Saturday, December 19, 2009


What is Block II Block ?
"We are a upcoming brand that is looking to support upcoming and inspired youth wanting to excel in their passion - not only in their physical ability, but in any other aspect of life that will allow youth to grow and excel in his or her expertise. Block II Block is not expecting to become the world biggest brand or team, our vision is to let all motivated youth/team know that there is a team out there representing them, sharing their passion. The most important thing is that you are determined and motivated to be a great person - or even more - a successful human being. Our logo is a great opportunity for us to represent where we are from and how it was like to grow up up in our own neighborhoods. We intend to provide a strong foundation for all potential youth/team. Block II Block supports EVERYONE. We show love to anyone that has a life goal that they want to achieve. We are currently working on our first project to create and distribute our Block II Block clothing. Please support our brand and our intentions. Feel free to send us a message or comment and show us some love."

have some honour and go show some love:

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